ArtSensorium Lab
Cynthia Harrison (Australia)
Imma Jimenez (Spain)
Cristina Miranda (Spain/Brazil)
The idea that we are immersed in a field of light that is able to hold information regardless of time (McTaggart) is being explored in science and in art. According to McTaggart “the Field might just offer an explanation for many metaphysical notions”. She said “what quantum calculations show is that we and our universe live and breathe in what amounts to a sea of motion—a quantum sea of light”.
Eastern traditions state the existence of subtle energies -immaterial substance that forms the basis of all matter and organic phenomena- such as Chi (Chinese) or Prana (Indian). Walker claims “consciousness may be associated with all quantum mechanical processes”. According to Bohm a "quantum" context calls for a new kind of description that does not imply the separability of the "observed object" and "observing instrument." Instead, the form of the experimental conditions and the meaning of the experimental results have now to be one whole, in which analysis into autonomously existent elements is not relevant (Bohm, 1971).
It is possible that ancient traditions intuitively understood what science is starting to technologically and scientifically check. That can be found in neuroscience (genetics, neuroplasticity) with research on meditative practices and exercises can change the brain. According to Anderson (1977: 119) “In contrast to personal consciousness, transpersonal consciousness is characterized by the experience of unity, the absence of all multiplicity and the complete oneness of everything […]. In this state of consciousness, the boundaries between objects dissolve and apparently separate elements merge into one another. The boundary between the personal self and the external world fades, and one experiences an all-encompassing unity”. Anderson also claims that the idea of holograms “provides a concept which can help us bridge the gulf between personal and trans-personal consciousness”.
The objective of the collaboration is to experiment with the hypothesis that thought images can be transferred from one person to another. Three artists collaborate in the group to develop a process of transferring images through space in an experiment of art by telepathy. The term “telepathy” (Myers 1882) means “feeling at a distance”. Telepathy is essentially mind-to-mind contact, to exchange information between people separated by distance. In the last years, science sought to understand the phenomenon (H2020 on human-computer interaction, EEG and other methods). However, compared to brain–computer interface (BCI) -that is a direct communication pathway between a wired brain and an external device-, in telepathy there is no intermediate interface, it is a direct mind-mind experience. According to Crookes “thoughts and images may be transferred from one mind to another without the agency of the recognized organs of sense”. This author claims that in the exchange between brain of A and the brain of B “there must exist a train of physical causes” that invites us to modify our definition of “physical” to include subtle energies in order to understand what happens.
In Thoughts Through Space, Wilkins (1942) explained a 5-month experiment during his explorations in the Arctic in which he was meant to send impressions to his colleague Sherman. Wilkins recorded events in his log and compared with Sherman’s impressions.
The main objective is to artistically explore the transferring of images between 3 artists, from 3 different locations.
Based in experiment, we develop a similar experience by drawing at distance (between Australia and Spain). Each time one of the artists transmit the image of one object while drawing it, using the image as the interface, the portal for the information transference. The other 2 ‘receive’ the image and draw it. Energy is packets of information thus they travel via the interface of the brain and the artwork. All data received be it image, written experience obtained via a systematic way of tracking what was sent and drawn 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc by the transmitter but also importantly the receivers. All sensory perceptions, (what we hear, see, sense feel, taste, smell) and images are compared to the object and to the original drawing, but also comparison and analysis of the other participants information immediately after the transmissions have ceased.
Controlled experiments are showing positive results (object transmitted+3 drawings received). Transmitted images can be compared to the final drawings (results coming soon).
ANDERSON, R. M. “A Holographic model of transpersonal consciousness”, The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology,1977,Vol,9,No.2.
BISCHOF, M. (1998) “Holism and field theories in biology. Non-molecular approaches and their relevance to biophysics”, in CHANG, J. -J.,
FISCH, J. & POPP, F. -A. (Eds) Biophotons, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
BISCHOF, M. (2000) Field concepts and the emergence of a holistic biophysics, in BELOUSSOV, L. V., POPP, F. A., VOEIKOV, V. L. & VAN WIJK, R. (Eds) Biophotonics and Coherent Systems, Moscow, Moscow University Pres.
BOHM, D. (1977) The Implicated or Enfolded Order: A New Order for Physics
BOHM, D. (1971) “Quantum theory as an indication of a new order in physics. Part A. The development of new orders as shown through the history of physics”, Foundations of physics, 1, 4, 359-81.
BRETT, G. (2002) “Art in the plural”, in Novas Direções, Rio de Janeiro, Museu de Arte Moderna.
CAMPBELL, F. W. (1974) “The transmission of spatial information through the visual system”, in F. O. Schmitt & F. G. Worden (Eds.) The neurosciences: Third study program, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
McTAGGART, L. (2001) The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, London, Harper-Collins Publishers.
PRESMAN, A. S. (1970) Electromagnetic fields and life, New York; London, Plenum Press.
Copyright © 2007-2016 by Cynthia J Harrison. All rights reserved.